Nihilism for Dummies!

Take a walk. Outside. Get some air.

etscape Gray, circa 1996, in Full Effect, yo.

What is this nonsense?

Nihilism for Dummies is a "weblog" that looks at, in rough and compressed fashion, current events from a decidely pseudo-nihilistic point of view. This is not meant to be "high-minded" or "insightful" - it's mostly just an online journal of thoughts and notes. I don't really pretend to be one of those "bloggers," who are busy pretending to change the online media world. I'm just a guy who writes for the amusement of the occassional visitor.

If you came here looking for good, old-fashioned information on nihilism, you are just plain out of luck. But, you can read this amusing Primer on Nihilism over at blogspot.

Quote of the Day:

(or longer, if I don't change it)

"Senator, in everything I said about Iraq, I turned out to be right and you turned out to be wrong and 100,000 people paid with their lives; 1600 of them American soldiers sent to their deaths on a pack of lies; 15,000 of them wounded, many of them disabled forever on a pack of lies."

British MP George Galloway to Senator Norm Coleman, R-Minnesota

Obligatory Stupid Tracker!

You cannot see the tracker on this archived page. Fool.

Places I hang:

Asheville Rock Messageboard: be warned, most posters not from Asheville, most discussion not serious. Quiet Zine's Messageboard, for the Sylvawheeans out further west. Good group, odd metal/indie split. This City Can Burn: They will tell you they are not emo.

July 2005: None!

8 July 2005

Another slow month!


This is the archive for July 2005. If you are still reading this page then you must be bored.