There is no webcam
There is no list of my mp3s or in the CD player
I don't own an iPod
The cat owns you. Believe this. It will set you free.
The content on this site is pretty scattered, as it reflects a good bit of debris from older sites I've put together, as well as newer bits of debris spilling out in that awful emulation of a blog on the homepage. The only constant is change, as some asshole once said. In honor of that idea, I can only say that there's always some change going on in what I'm writing about or thinking about. Where four years ago, I was gearing up to write some critiques of the electoral process this year I'm almost just over it.
Some other asshole once said something like, "if you are a conservative at twenty, you have no heart. if you are a liberal at thirty, you are an idiot." Maybe that's true for most of the people out there who don't have to live with a voice in their head, but my voice is an insistent bastard. So, instead of selling out, I've just given up.
Which is all very nice, but is getting us a bit off-topic here. Then again, that's almost the point as well. I don't have a topic. I never did. The only thing I can say that I write about is just whatever I happen to be thinking about at the moment. And that's about it.
mat catastrophe
21 September 2003
this page:
When all that's left is nihilism, you've arrived!