Nihilsim for Dummies

Right. Totally. Here's the deal. Since apparently, any idiot in the world can start a website that makes crap, I figure I'll get in on it, too.

So, here's the deal. You want a shirt? I'll make you one. Below are the current designs that I've got in mind. If you want one, email me and we'll set up the paypal details.

How much they are depends on what you want. I could easily charge $14.95, like most people. Or even ten bucks. But, for now, since I'm not a greedy bastard, let's say five. Plus shipping, of course. Still, that's plenty less than other places.

The designs? Okay, picture these phrases spraypainted with a stencil on a cheap t-shirt:

These are just a few of the wonderfully cheap ideas I just had. If you have a phrase you want done, email me and let me know. We'll talk prices and kickbacks.