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So, once again the people over at CNN are letting Lou Dobbs ramble on about "Broken Borders." Leading into his report tonight, Dobbs invoked - of course - September 11th and "National Security." He then fell off completely and started in on employment.

Yes, "illegal" immigrants take jobs. Yes, legal residents of other nations take jobs. Yes, Americans are more or less getting screwed out of everything. But, who is to blame? Hmmm, could it be - just maybe - the corporate greedheads who are giving those jobs to immigrants here in the US or shipping those jobs overseas?

No! Say it ain't so! That would contradict the maxim that what is good for the bottom line is good for those on the bottom. Trickle down economics, right? If the boys at the top make the Big Bucks by cutting labor costs, then it benefits the working class Americans, right?

No. Mostly because the best Republican President of the last half-century gutted social welfare in this country. Thanks, Mr. Clinton. Hope your speaking engagements are keeping you warm this winter. 'Cause we know Hillary isn't. And, while you are warming your toes by the fire in your "modest" upstate New York Estate, try hard not to focus on what you did in eight years, ok?

But enough misplaced angst against the Right's Best Friend on the Left. Let's get closer to the current problem. Some genius in Cauliflower (that's the new name of California, since Arnie can't pronounce it any other way) decided that letting illegals have driver's licenses was a bad idea. Others had a fit. In the end, no one cares a whole lot - except that it served to bring up what is sure to become a nasty campaign issue.

And the best part of it all is that no one can win on this issue. Support the illegals and you screw the working class of this country, support the workers here and you ignore the notion that we are descended from illegals, etc etc. Where does it all lead to?

Well, nowhere, really. And certainly not to something that can be classed as a national security concern.

Apparently, Mr. Dobbs has been doing quite a bit of reporting on minority issues of late. And also how the economy is "affected" by overseas production, etc etc.

I'm sorry. I'm missing the problem here. American companies, with American CEOs, are making profits by cutting labor costs, shipping production overseas, then shipping finished product back over here and selling it at a huge markup to the very schmucks they fired. Hello. There's an easy fix for this. Let's round up the CEOs and ship them overseas. Right? Once blame is placed squarely in the laps of the overlords of business, people will have a clear idea of how to fix these problems.


Or, take a moment to rant back at me.