This is the archive of scribblings from September, 2003. You may want to
use this link to get to the current page.
This page is left more-or-less static, in the state that it existed in
September 2003. Any updates or changes will be noted and/or linked to. Not
all offsite links are assured to work, since the internet doesn't keep
track of these things. Your mileage may vary, please remove lid before
Webspace graciously provided by the Super-Dimensional Fortress
. Get yrs today!
fellow travellers in the ether:
Party in Yr Mind
We used to call it "building a website." Now, it's "blogging."
28 September 2003
Boredom. It's what these blogs are really about. The sheer boredom of
putting words down in a file for strangers to see. Remember that? The
basic conceit of wasting all this time doing this is that you are out
there, right now, reading it.
21 September 2003
Still the guilty pleasure: The band Evanescence. I do not know why.
Maybe because they sound like they know what they are doing. Sure, they
are probably one of those major-label con jobs in the making (care to deny
this, Amy Lee? write me), based on the sheer number of very slick
looking "fan sites" listed
on their links page. That, and the fact that their "label," Wind-Up
Records has something to do with Creed. Ugh. Creed. Well, at least they
aren't Poo Charlotte or whatever the hell that band is.
Also in the WTF? Dept: The answer to the Biggest Question in all of
Computing is finally answered! Where is
the Any Key?
15 September 2003
Slowly but surely getting things up and running on this thing. Getting
back into this
practice. Making change and not getting slack/discouraged/distracted. Of
course, at 3
am there are precious few distractions (except for the voice on the TV
that sounds
like Hers). Who is She, you ask? Well, you don't get to know. She always
wonders why
I don't talk more about her, but she's pretty private....
Anyways, the redesign stuff is moving quite nicely now.
13 September 2003
You wouldn't believe it if I told you. So I won't, for now.
10 September 2003
Absolutely working on new stuff, yea. Still playing with design, yep.
Still aware that no one is looking at this site. Blame self for lack of
promotion/lack of content/lack of everything. Still, picture of cat really
cute. Take more and post them. Cats and naked girls - big crowd pleasers.
Write up notes on the three ideas I had, and hopefully they will get read.
Make notes on new ideas. Indeed. Alright. Out.
3 September 2003
This is not a blog. This
might count as one, but not really.
1 September 2003
No idea why, but it seemed like a good time to learn about Cascading
Sheets today. Maybe it was the Labor Day Fever, maybe it was just a good
way to spend time in front of the computer and feel productive again.
Let's just pretend for now that it is.